
It’s the 16th of August & you’re up 16% from the June lows


You’re worried it’s a bear market rally but want to retain some equity exposure so call your friendly macro strategist for advice Where should I hide? Real Estate – They’re not making it anymore, right? (oh dear, I knew this was a bad idea) And it provides a yield that we all need in this … Read on

“Action cures fear”

is my favourite quote from, The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J Schwartz and when I look at the CNN Fear and Greed Index, I see Fear but when I speak to investors and advisors, there’s no Action Most are paralysed by Fear Either their own or their clients’ or a combination “How am … Read on

Will you act like the Fed?


In April ’21, I read Conagra’s earnings call (CAG), & saw “inflation” 33 x and “accelerating” 9 x CPI was 2.6% 6 mths prior, “inflation” appeared 4 x zero “accelerating” And other food producers like Tyson (TSN)? same trend What about YUM (Pizza Hut, KFC) ? they buy the animals that TSN “processes”? Nothing? Kroger’s … Read on

Don’t you love Netflix?


Absolutely – Ozarks, Maid, The Crown all brilliant Well, you can’t be happy by the 21% fall in the share price after results? Doesn’t bother me – don’t own it But you said you love it? Well as I’ve said before, I love my mattress, but it doesn’t mean I buy a bedding company You … Read on

“Put your PHONE down. Get OUTSIDE. And have some FUN!”

What parent hasn’t yelled those words to their kids so far this year? Am I right? Don’t all nod your heads at once, we don’t want to knock the earth off its axis Of course, WE know what’s best for them, don’t we? Now it’s just gone middle of the month so I’m guessing you’ve … Read on

Let’s play a game


Our Fund owns shares in ITV and they produce reality TV & game shows Which are good businesses Think about it The Cost of producing Love Island is basically: ·        £50k of prize money for their buff contestants,·        the rental cost of a Majorcan villa,·        a couple of cameras &·        a fully stocked bar fridge – if they order … Read on